Your Domestic Source. Made in the USA.
LUFKIN and all affiliated and associated companies, is providing the “Sucker Rod Comparison Guide” for the benefit of our clients as a reference—only! The information provided in this guide does not reflect independent research and testing of the product, nor does it reflect a comprehensive search of all manufacturer’s or grades. The data provided herein is material that is available to the general public and based on the latest information at the time of publication. Users of this guide are responsible for researching and determining the quality and reputation of the manufacturer and for determining the fitness of the product or grade for any particular purpose or application, either with or without the assistance of this guide. Lufkin makes no representation or warranty with respect to the contents or use of this guide, either expressed or implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of the information presented herein, quality, performance or fitness of the manufacturer, product or grade for any particular purpose and expressly denies any and all liability for damages arising from the use of this guide. Furthermore, Lufkin reserves the right to revise or edit this guide to make changes to its content, at anytime, without obligation to notify any person, company or entity of such revisions or changes