Driven to be the best in our field, so we can be the best in yours.
From humble beginnings as a two-person downhole rod pump repair facility, Don-Nan has grown into a multifaceted business providing equipment, service and technical support to end users throughout the U.S.A., Canada and globally.
Today, we operate several different divisions from a 46-acre campus in Midland, Texas. This location hosts employees in engineering, manufacturing, technical support, software development, business support, warehousing and local service operations for rod lift operations.
Vertical integration and physical proximity enable us to provide products of industry-leading quality and deliver unmatched customer service and support.
Don-Nan History
Vernon and Dorothy Carruth founded Don-Nan in 1962 in Midland, Texas. The company was named for their two children, Don and Nancy.
What began as a two-man pump repair shop primarily using O'Bannon parts, evolved over the years into one of the largest rod pump manufacturers and most sophisticated repair facilities in the world by the late 2000s.
Don Carruth spent time during his formative years working on pumps and learning about the oilfield business. Not long after his return from military service, Don became more involved with the company as Vernon's health began to deteriorate, eventually taking over the business entirely.
Vernon passed away in 1978, and Dorothy in 2013. Dorothy remained a constant presence at Don-Nan until her retirement in 2008; her expectations of a clean and orderly work environment still persist to this day!
Don's reputation is one of tremendous integrity. His character has resulted in an obvious carryover throughout the business as evidenced through commitment to excellence in service, quality, and innovation.
Don-Nan grew methodically throughout the years by adding service centers, wholesale warehouses, and the manufacturing capacity to supply them. Over the past decade, Don-Nan has been particularly focused on increasing technological capabilities; introducing new patented designs to the market, a web-based pump service tracking system, and most recently the addition of a newly constructed chrome plating facility that exceeds environmental standards.
Don Carruth sold the family company to Schlumberger in 2014. By late 2020, Don-Nan was acquired by LUFKIN Industries. LUFKIN Don-Nan continues to add manufacturing capacity, technology, and service facilities throughout the United States, Canada and globally.
Don-Nan Milestones
- 1962
Don-Nan founded
- 1981
Manufacturing division established
- 1982
Supply sales added
- 1994
Acquired API 11AX manufacturing license
- 2003
Gas Separator patented
- 2012
Sand Diverter patented
- 2014
Began chrome plating facility construction
- 2014
Don-Nan is acquired by Schlumberger
- 2016
Chrome plating facility went into full production
- 2020
Don-Nan is acquired by LUFKIN