An Innovative Design For Downhole Gas Separation
Gas presence in the pumping zone causes problems such as gas lock, gas pound, and gas interference which cost companies’ time, money and resources. Reduced pump efficiencies inspired our research team in developing an innovative design for gas separation that diverts gas from entering the pump intake. Consequently, reducing pump failures maximized pump efficiency.
Uses, Operation, Design Considerations and Load Ratings of On-Off Tool
The scope of this paper includes a brief introduction about On-Off tool, design and construction, their applications, operational procedures, and general load carrying capabilities. The paper discusses some advantages gained by installing an On-Of tool such as, the ability to repair or replace the rod string without unseating the pump, the ability to break the sucker rod string just above the pump eliminating stripping job and the ability to run oversized tubing pumps.
From Failure to Success: A Metallurgical Story on Sucker Rod Pump Barrels
This paper focuses on pump barrel selection and operation with regards to base metallurgy coupled with various plating processes. It aims to inform the reader of common pump barrel failures and their causes, along with educating operators about available barrel types and their optimum operating environments.
Tubing Anchor Catcher Applications and Operation
The Tubing Anchor Catcher (TAC) is one of the most important tools in achieving maximum rod lift system efficiency. The scope of this paper will cover the basic principles and also expand further into tubing stretch calculations, shear values, drag spring usage, troubleshooting, and other installation techniques.
Enhancing Failure Analysis Through the Use of Rod Pump Service Data
Rod pump service data provides valuable insight into wellbore conditions and the efficacy of the rod lift system. Trend analysis of metrics such as reason for well pull and pump component evaluation provides increased visibility about individual well performance issues and more broadly, about field performance. Comprehensive pump service data is an indispensable supplement to an operator’s internal data in well review meetings for the purpose of improving optimization efforts. This paper primarily focuses on how to use this data to the benefit of two key factors: performance and design.